Become a partner

Chronos Growth Partners are fundraising for the next 12 months and we invite sophisticated investors who share our philosophy and passion for watches to register their interest.

Once registered you will receive a welcome pack and full prospectus detailing our plans to 2030.

You will garner a deeper understanding of our buying, selling and investing strategy and be provided with detailed growth projections and aspirations for our private collection.

We look forward to sharing our plans, revealing your benefits as a partner and demonstrating how you can share in our success.

Self-Certified Sophisticated Investor Statement

By entering your data, you acknowledge that you qualify as a self-certified investor based on one or more of the following criteria:

  • You have worked in private equity and provided financing for small and medium enterprises.
  • You have served as a director of a company with an annual income of at least £1 million.
  • You have made two or more investments in an unlisted company.
  • You have been a member of a network or syndicate of business angels for more than six months.

Being a self-certified investor exposes you to investment promotions that involve a significant risk of losing all invested funds. By agreeing to this, you acknowledge that you are free to seek advice from a specialist in this type of investment.

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sophisticated investor

If you share our passion for watches, find out more now

Chronos Growth Holdings Ltd – Company Reg No. 14605651